The luxury sedan will be available at all showrooms across India. The Audi A8 started off with a celebrity tag with Bollywood actor Abhishek Bachchan taking delivery of his customized Audi A8 L 4.2 TDI. The Audi A8 L continues to set standards of luxury, design and engineering excellence. It delivers 800 Nm of torque and hits the 0-100 km/h in 5.6 seconds.
The interior comforts and safety features make this vehicle extra special. Coupled with a two piece panoramic sunroof, Bang and Olufsen sound system and 4 zone auto AC, the new Audi A8 is something that buyers with high budget will be want to buy. Among its other features you have the dynamic steering, head up display unit. Specially designed ergonomic seats are seen both in driver and passenger areas while an exclusive rear seat entertainment system is fitted. Special safety features will include ABS, traction control and airbags.
"We started the year on favourable economic conditions. We set a target of 8,000 units, but in the January-July period itself, we sold 4,680 units, a growth of 49 per cent over the same period last year. This way, we are hopeful of over-shooting the target. The Audi A8 L has been a benchmark in its segment and the new variant will redefine automotive excellence in India”, said Mr. Michael Perschke, Head, Audi India.
The company expects to sell 400-450 units of Audi A8 this year. “We will start assembling Audi Q7 at end-2012 and you can also check out the likes of the Audi Q5.
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